New Grand Theft Auto Character Leaked By Voice Actor

Grand Theft Auto fans are anxious for any kind of news regarding future content from Rockstar Games, whether it’s related to Grand Theft Auto Online or the rumored development of Grand Theft Auto 6. Luckily, a bit of news appears to have leaked recently regarding a forthcoming Grand Theft Auto character. The leak comes from voice actor Dave Jackson, so who says that they were hired by Rockstar to play the character Captain McClane in an upcoming Grand Theft Auto game. They’ve since taken down their Facebook post making the announcement.

Based on what Jackson says, the McClane character is set to appear in a “new Grand Theft Auto series,” however they later clarify that they don’t know exactly where their character will appear in Grand Theft Auto. They don’t know if it’ll be Grand Theft Auto 6 or a future Grand Theft Auto Online update. More specifically, they haven’t been told whether it’s for GTA6 or GTAO. What they do know is that Rockstar is currently working on a trailer and that Jackson is involved.

Jackson’s experience is said to range from audiobook voiceover to video games, though he doesn’t have a reference to any major projects the scale of Grand Theft Auto. It begs the question as to whether Jackson may have been confused about the project or could have misinformed people. There’s no evidence pointing either way, of course. Rockstar historically employs NDAs to keep voice actors from talking about ongoing projects, but that historically hasn’t stopped people from talking.

dave jackson grand theft auto facebook post

Speaking about NDAs, Jackson was asked if he was violating his by talking about the Grand Theft Auto project. Jackson says that the producers he worked with “said I could spread the world,” and to expect the trailer he worked on soon.

If Jackson is being truthful and isn’t confused about the situation, his Captain McClane character seems much more likely to be a part of Grand Theft Auto Online rather than Grand Theft Auto 6. There have been rumors regarding a “Cops and Crooks” update for GTA Online for months, if not a year. It’s more than possible Rockstar has a trailer coming for it, if it exists.

As for the possibility of Jackson potentially leaking a Grand Theft Auto 6 character, that’s much less likely given his trailer news. Grand Theft Auto 6 hasn’t been officially announced yet and it’s audacious to think Rockstar would be comfortable with news regarding an announcement trailer being leaked early. That’s if the leak is reliable in the first place.

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